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About Me! 



























General Information

I am a clairvoyant intuitive--I am currently developing mediumship abilities. I give spiritual guidance thru my readings for people. I work with both tarot and oracle cards. 



I offer intuitive psychic readings. I work with tarot as well as a combination of several different oracle decks; when I work on readings for a client, I go more by feeling with my abilities than by just by a particular question. In other words, "I go with the flow" and I read by using my intuition by what I see and feel from the cards. You do not have to be present online for me to do this. I am very often able to help guide people with personal situations they may be facing. It is not unusal if I pick up on a song for a client that helps along with the reading. Very often Spirit has a message for the person in it! It does not always happen, but will when a message is particularly strong it will help that person in some way! I am very humbled and pleased to be able to help others when I can!

My readings are to answer questions or to give helpful advise for those whom I am reading for, not to make choices or decisions for them. Only the person receiving the reading can choose that! I help to guide as I can :)

These type of readings are NOT my specialty:

1. Romance

2. Lotto or Gambling

3. Past Life

4. Health Related Issues

5. LOL at this one~ not a mind reader--haha!!


  Decks I Work With:



Tarot:  Rider Waite Tarot, Mythic Tarot or Gendron Tarot. There are several others.

Oracle: Angel Dreams Oracle Cards, Magical Mermaids And Dolphin Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Mary, Queen of Angels by Doreen Virtue, and Path of the Soul, Destiny Deck by Cheryl Lee Harnish and Mediumship Cards by James Van Praggh.



I am currently learning how to read my clients without these tools as my skills as a psychic are getting stronger. I still use them, but rely more on my own intuition than just the written meaning of the cards.


I take PayPal ONLY . I will send an invoice to you and once payment is received, I will work on your reading--it takes me awhile to type it out as I use several decks for information. :) If interested in a reading, please message me privately for details. I take a little while as I have my kids with me as I homeschool! :)



Readings are $40 USD. 

Don't have a a Paypal account? You can use a CREDIT CARD through Paypal WITHOUT a Paypal account. You don't need to open an account with Paypal to use it! 


          Thank you for your interest!












 This certificate means that I am a certified Psychic, qualified reader and                     teacher!

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